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Combination Tags

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Ini contoh Marquee :

Isi Marquee

Kodenya :
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">ISI MARQUEE</marquee>
 Kalau yang ini memantul (bouncing) :


Ini kode untuk Marquee memantul :
<marquee behavior="alternate">ISI MARQUEE</marquee>
<div align="left"><font face="georgia" color="White"><strong><marquee bgcolor="red" width="70%" scrollamount="3" behavior="alternate"> </marquee></strong></font></div>
Contoh hasilnya : 

marquee dengan variasi hurup

<marquee align="center" direction="right" height="200" scrollamount="2" width="30%"> marquee dari kanan ke kiri</marquee>

Hasilnya :
Marquee dari kanan ke kiri.
menyudut dari atas ke bawah

Selamat datang ..
Anda bisa menggunakan kode berikut ini

<marquee><marquee direction="down">Selamat datang .. </marquee></marquee>
Jalan berlawanan

Selamat Datang..Selamat Datang..

Kode yang digunakan

<marquee> Selamat Datang.. </marquee> <marquee direction="right"> Selamat Datang.. </marquee>
Standar tag marquee tanpa atribut
<marquee>Standar tag marquee tanpa atribut</marquee>
Standar tag marquee tanpa Atribut
Marquee dengan atribut direction
<marquee direction="up">marquee direction="up"</marquee> <marquee direction="right">marquee direction="right"</marquee> <marquee direction="down">marquee direction="down"</marquee> <marquee direction="left">marquee direction="left"</marquee>
marquee direction="down"
marquee direction="left"
Marquee dengan atribut behavior
<marquee behavior="alternate">marquee behavior="alternate"</marquee> <marquee behavior="scroll">marquee behavior="scroll"</marquee> <marquee behavior="slide">marquee behavior="slide"</marquee>
marquee behavior="alternate"
marquee behavior="scroll"
marquee behavior="slide"
Marquee dengan atribut scrolldelay
<marquee scrolldelay="100">marquee scrolldelay="100"</marquee> <marquee scrolldelay="200">marquee scrolldelay="200"</marquee> <marquee scrolldelay="300">marquee scrolldelay="300"</marquee>
marquee scrolldelay="100"
marquee scrolldelay="200"
marquee scrolldelay="300"
Marquee dengan atribut scrollamount
<marquee scrollamount="10">marquee scrollamount="10"</marquee> <marquee scrollamount="20">marquee scrollamount="20"</marquee> <marquee scrollamount="30">marquee scrollamount="30"</marquee>
marquee scrollamount="10"
marquee scrollamount="20"
marquee scrollamount="30"
Marquee dengan atribut width
<marquee width="75%">marquee width="75%"</marquee> <marquee width="160">marquee width="160"</marquee>
marquee width="75%"
marquee width="160"
Marquee dengan atribut height
<marquee height="75%">marquee height="75%"</marquee> <marquee height="30">marquee height="30"</marquee>
marquee height="75%"
marquee height="30"
Marquee dengan atribut bgcolor
<marquee bgcolor="red">marquee bgcolor="red"</marquee> <marquee bgcolor="#ddd">marquee bgcolor="#ddd"</marquee>
marquee bgcolor="red"
marquee bgcolor="#ddd"
Marquee dengan atribut style
<p><marquee style="padding:4px;font-size:18px;color:#0C9;background:#000;">HTML CSS<br /> <span style="font-size:12px;color:#ff3;">Web design, Belajar HTML, CSS, Javascript, tips, triks dan tutorial bagi pemula.</span></marquee></p>
Web design, Belajar HTML, CSS, Javascript, tips, triks dan tutorial bagi pemula.
Marquee dengan beberapa atribut
<p style="background: #366;text-align:center;padding:4px;font-size:20px;color:#0fc;"> <marquee direction="left" scrollamount="5" width="200"><<< MACAM-MACAM</marquee> <marquee direction="right" scrollamount="5" width="200">MACAM-MACAM >>></marquee><br /> <marquee behavior="alternate" width="400" style="font-size:14px;color: #fff;" >Contoh Marquee</marquee></p>
Contoh Marquee
Marquee dengan link dan mouseover atribut
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();">Jika ada komentar anda tentang marquee ini silahkan sampaikan melaui <a href="/membuat-teks-berjalan-dengan-tag-marquee#comment" title="Tinggalkan pesan">comment</a></a></marquee>
Ketika kita menggeser mouse ke area teks dibawah maka teksnya akan berhenti.
Jika ada komentar anda tentang marquee ini silahkan sampaikan melaui comment
Marquee dengan gambar
Untuk gambar kita cupup memasukkan lokasi gambarnya dan lakukan pengaturan dengan atribut-atribut marquee tersebut.
<marquee><img src="../images/marquee1.jpg" /> <img src="../images/marquee2.jpg" /> <img src="../images/marquee3.jpg" /></marquee>
marquee1 marquee2 marquee3
<marquee scrollamount="2" width="100" style="background:url(../images/marqueebg.jpg);"><img src="../images/marquee1.jpg" /><img src="../images/marquee2.jpg" /><img src="../images/marquee3.jpg" /></marquee>

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Tabik pun : Indai Kanca Seunyinni
                   Tamatan 2010/2011
Di - Pokni
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
     Jama teriring kehadighat Allah SWT seunyinni limpahan rahmat ghik hidayahnni. Insyaallah sekam segenap panitia bumaksud haga ngadak reuni akbar lulusan SMPN 1 Bandar Lampung angkatan 2010/2011 sai haga tiguaiko :
      Pok   : Gedung bagas Raya Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Way Halim, 
                 Bandar Lampung.
     Ghani : Pukul 10.00 WIB s/d Selesai
Sekam nyappaiko penghargaan sai sebalak-balakni. Ngeghupako suatu kebahagiaan gham seunyinni kekalau gham dapok munyai meghawan jak minak sappai ghaduni. 

                                                 Hormat Kami,

                       Bendahara                                      Sekretaris                                        Ketua

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Who Inspiring Me

            My life was so clumsy before I knew him. My daily life passed really flat. No idol, no cheer up, no wish, hopeless… but when I knew him, I feel like founded a brightness, it sounds over, but that’s the truth. I know him when I was twelve it happened in 2009.
            Nuansa Bening was the first single on his first album. After I heard that song for many times, I decide to search who was that people usual called Vidi “the new boy soloist”. And then I survived the Internet about his biography of him. And I founded!

Birth name      : Oxavia Aldiano
Nick name       : Vidi Aldiano
Born                : Jakarta, March 29th 1990
Height             : 178 cm
Weight            : 65 kg
Father              : Harry
Mother            : Besbarini Maya
Little brothers             : Stradivaryans and Vadi Akbar Kalamata
Education : SMU Al-Azhar 1 (AlPus) graduation 2008
Pelita Harapan University  
-The winner on 1ncredible Band Festival 2007
-The winner on Elfa’s Music Studio Try Out
-Best Vocalist on 1incredible Band Festival 2007
-Best Vocalist on Electric Band Festival 2005
-Top 100 Indonesian Idol 2006
-Favorite winner on JakStuff 2007, with Suddenly September
-The winner on Alpus Petasan 2006
-The winner  Pop Singer Al-Azhar Festival
-The winner Nasyid Al-Azhar Festival
Music festival he ever joined:
-Java Jazz 2005
-1ncredible Band Festival 2007
-MTQ National 2006
-Jakarta Fair 2008
-Java Jazz 2008
-Amway’s Leadership Seminar
-Electric SMP Al-Azhar Pejaten 2007
-Bali Fashion Week 2007
- Promo Night Party in Al-Azhar Pejaten 2008 
Vidi very interested: 
-Computer Freak
-All about gadget
Fashion Statement ala Vidi:
Classy Messy with favorite clothes produced Zara, Top Men, Metrox
Vidi’s Idol:
- Craig David. 
- Jason Mraz. 
Favorite Lounge: 
Brewww – Café Lounge, Kemang. 
Ritual before perform :
Go to toilet and relaxing
These are some pictures  

He's praying

Vidi Aldiano and her Father

 Oh, what a good boy. “just get ready for this guy as you’ll fall in love with him and his music”.
He wants to reach his dreams first and makes his parents happy before he marry. 
And there’s one big thing for me which not happen with all boys, he doesn’t smoke. 
He has been inspiring me for three years long. And I’ll keep faith in being a #vidies.

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Freeing Society From Reckless Drivers

Afriyani Susanti

Mobil Daihatsu Xenia yang dikendarai oleh Yani
A tragic accident happened last month when a car driven by a woman hit 12 pedestrians near the Tugu Tani (Farmers Monument) in Central Jakarta, killing nine. The police report showed that the driver and other car passengers were under the influence of drugs.

The story shows us how driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances can be so dangerous. Most recently a Lion Air pilot was busted for possession of crystal methamphetamine, a few weeks after the arrest of a colleague.

Drugs are a serious threat to our transportation systems. Can you imagine how a pilot can fly an airplane if he is under the influence of crystal meth? If there is turbulence, how can he anticipate it?

So, anyone who is driving a moving machine should be free from the influence these substances. Taking these substances not only puts the driver’s life at risk, but also threatens passengers and pedestrians, as happened in the Tugu Tani accident.

Driving under the influence (DUI) or flying under the influence (FUI) are both illegal. In most countries, anyone found guilty of DUI can receive a slight sentence but if it causes injuries or death, the driver can be heavily punished.

There are some possible explanations as to why alcohol leads to reckless driving. Like other abusive substance, it induces a disturbance in the human motor system. Coordination of arms, legs and eyes is controlled by the cerebellum. Alcohol affects this coordination, so it is clear why a driver under the influence of alcohol cannot anticipate a turn, a stop, or a passerby who suddenly appears in front of the driver. A combination of alcohol and ecstasy or amphetamines will generate worse effects.

A driver can feel euphoria even if he or she lacks sleep. The effect on the driver is that he or she is not aware of their speed and the impact of alcohol, therefore accidents are more likely to happen.

Laws governing drink driving vary across the world, with countries setting different thresholds of blood alcohol content (BAC) levels. The US, for example, sets BAC at 0.08 percent. DUI sentences can be elevated to a vehicular homicide if death is caused. In Singapore, BAC is set at 35 micrograms of alcohol for every 100 milliliters of breath. An offender can be fined between S$1,000 and $5,000 and up to six months in jail.

In Indonesia, there is no BAC threshold and usually a district court only hands down a light sentence of up to five years in prison for driving under the influence. Maybe the government thinks that the majority of Indonesian people do not drink alcohol, so laws are not a necessity. But the accident that killed pedestrians and the arrest of pilots should prompt the government to change its policy when it comes to DUI.

The government can first and foremost raise public awareness, especially among the young generation, who are more prone to alcohol, about DUI through regular campaigns in schools or universities. Promotional activity can also be held in bars or cafés that sell alcoholic drinks. The awareness program can also be conducted through the mass media.

As part of law enforcement measures, the police can conduct regular urine tests on drivers who are caught speeding. If the drivers test positive for excessive alcohol or drug content, the police can arrest them and detain them until they pay fines.

The police may also freeze their driving licenses or ban them from driving if necessary. As part of social punishment, the government can make public the identity of offenders.

Society itself needs to build a safe driving culture, which can be passed on by parents to their children. We can contribute to the campaign by suggesting drivers under the influence stop their cars and move aside drunken friends at the wheel. Passengers can call the police if a public transportation driver under the influence refuses to stop driving.

A stricter law on DUI will deter drivers from violating the regulation and therefore protect the society from fatal threats. Driving under influence is indeed a serious threat to our society, so it is our duty to make the road a safer place for everyone.

My Opinion:
First I thought that it was only ordinary accident. But, after I read some articles on Internet. I got the conclusion that Afriyani is under the control of drugs. How could a girl like her in the afternoon hit 12 people. 9 of them were children. Their parents must be sad and angry at Afriyani. Their bright future had been destroyed by a fat-bodied woman who didn't know sin. If I'm a lawyer I will I will defend the families of the Victims without asking for payment. All of it I do Because That truth and so that justice is done in this country.And my messages for POLRI please be a good police to the community.

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